
We know young people dropping out of organised sport is a long-standing issue that has proven extremely difficult to rectify. Many want to look outside of sport for factors that contribute to this, however we advocate for transformational change IN youth sport - through the seeding of alternative models.

To that end, Game Hubs create opportunities for young people to take the lead in shaping game-based sport and play environments that resonate with their interests and motivations. This is highly aligned with both the UN Convention on the Rights of Children, and recent reports from Helen Connolly’s Department for Children & Young People in South Australia.

We partner with local government, state and regional sporting organisations, clubs, schools & community organisations to identify and support adults who aspire to co-create these hubs with young people in their local community.

Using emerging digital platforms, we also cultivate connections between Game Hubs such that a network of local communities can journey together and learn from one another.

Mark Upton ☕️
Mark Upton

Founder & co-creator

Mark is currently leading the Game Hubs Network initiative, as part of the broader WayFinders Network. He is also a Director and co-creator of myfastestmile c.i.c.

Ken Willner ☕️
Ken Willner


Being a youth sport photographer and coach, I can observe the environment with a different lens than most adults. What I have experienced with my own children and what I have seen more broadly has made me passionate about learning more about what youth want out of sport.

This led me to create "Off the Pitch with Active" podcast, "yellow for yelling", and MAP (Mindful Accountability Partner).

I love collaborating with like minded people, so please connect with us.

Matt Wintersgill ☕️
Matt Wintersgill


stay tuned!

Jono Ruse ☕️
Jono Ruse


stay tuned!